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The Be Heard Project is a voice for the persecuted Church. Through law, public policy, and grassroots action, we amplify your voice to demand that world governments respect the most basic human rights and human dignity of persecuted believers. Join with us today and Be Heard.

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The European Union Must Protect Religious Communities in Syria

Mar. 18The European Union Must Protect...

After the massacre of over 1,400 civilians in Syria’s coastal region, according to the latest count by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights , the fragile illusion of post-Assad stability has been shattered. The horror began in Latakia, where members of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), the now-ruling Sunni Islamist group, were killed by factions...More

Demanding Accountability for the Massacre of 70 Christians in the DRC

Feb. 28Demanding Accountability for the...

Seeking Justice for Young Christian in Pakistan Murdered by Muslim...

Feb. 11Seeking Justice for a Young...

Muslim Man Who Raped Young Christian Girl Sentenced to Life in Prison...

Jan. 30Justice Upheld: Muslim Man Who...



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Jewish Iranian Sentenced to Death

Jewish Iranian Sentenced to Death

Iran is preparing to execute an innocent young man because he’s Jewish, and he’s running out of time. The ACLJ is advocating for his life at the United Nations, having just filed an urgent complaint with the U.N.’s Special Procedures seeking swift international intervention to stop the execution and overturn this...More

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Save Christian Pastor Raymond Koh

Save Christian Pastor Raymond Koh

Free the Israeli Hostages from Hamas

Free the Israeli Hostages from...

Save Christian Ayub Brothers

Save Christian Ayub Brothers

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days in prison

American Christian Pastor Imprisoned in Turkey

On October 12, 2018, American Pastor Andrew Brunson was freed after two years of...



Andrew Brunson









Have Taken Action


days in prison

American Christian Pastor Imprisoned in Turkey

On October 12, 2018, American Pastor Andrew Brunson was freed after two years of...



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APR // 2018

Save Pastor Andrew Brunson


Signatures //

American Pastor Andrew Brunson is now facing what could amount to the rest of his life in a Turkish prison.

He has been charged with “Christianization.”

A 62-page indictment – a diatribe against Christianity and Israel – claims that the Christian pastor living out his Christian faith, including through “humanitarian aid, education, and training,” is terrorism. If convicted, he faces 35 years in a Turkish prison – essentially a life sentence for the 50-year-old American pastor.

His trial resumes October 12th. Time is of the essence.

Christianity is on trial. Christianization isn’t terrorism. It’s an absolute outrage.

Pastor Andrew peacefully served the people of Turkey as a Christian pastor – following the law without issue – for 23 years.

We cannot allow Turkey – our supposed NATO ally – to sentence a U.S. citizen to the rest of his life behind bars for being a Christian and living out his faith.

He has now been moved from his prison cell to his house in Turkey as his trial continues, but he must be allowed to come home to America. We're representing Pastor Andrew's family, aggressively working globally for his ultimate freedom.

Petition to Free American Pastor Andrew Brunson

In the News

MAR // 2025

U.N. Working Group on Arbitrary Detention Issues Opinion...

CeCe Heil  //

Mar 04, 2019

Today, the United Nations (U.N.) Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) published their opinion regarding the wrongful detention of our client, Pastor Andrew Brunson. Pastor Brunson was an American...

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2018 Victories: American Pastor Andrew Brunson is Free

ACLJ Staff Writers  //

Dec 21, 2018

This is the latest installment in a year-end series looking back at some of the numerous victories by the ACLJ in 2018. The ACLJ is committed to protecting religious liberty and defending the persecuted...

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BREAKING: American Pastor Andrew Brunson Has Just Been Released

Jay Sekulow  //

Oct 12, 2018

American Pastor Andrew Brunson has just been released from wrongful detainment in Turkey. We can confirm that after more than two years of detainment based on his Christian faith, Pastor Andrew is preparing to...

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Wrongful Imprisonment

An innocent American pastor, Andrew Brunson, has been falsely accused of "membership in an armed terrorist organization and political/military espionage" Even worse - he's now a hostage of the Turkish government.

Pastor Andrew Brunson
is a Christian pastor serving in Turkey for the past 23 years.

N. Carolina


While he is a U.S. citizen from Black Mountain, North Carolina, he raised his family in Turkey and dedicated his life to the people in that country.

When he was summoned to the local police station one day, he was unexpectedly detained because he was falsely accused of being a "threat to national security."

Pastor Andrew's first appeal was denied.


Shortly thereafter, Pastor Andrew was allowed a visit with family. During that visit, Pastor Andrew indicated that - while he’d been stripped of his personal Bible - he was allowed to have a New Testament.

In February 2017, we submitted a written statement to the United Nations Human Rights Council requesting their assistance in securing Pastor Andrew's release.

After we petitioned Congress for help, Members of Congress sent a bipartisan letter to the President of Turkey requesting Pastor Andrew's immediate release.

U.S. Senators


Members of the house

Signed the letter

On February 16, 2017 we sent a letter to the Secretary of State, advocating for Pastor Andrew's freedom.

Pastor Andrew delivered a statement to U.S. embassy officials - who were able to meet with him in the prison - and plead:

Please do not leave me here in prison.

Pastor Andrew's wife meets with the Secretary of State while he's in Turkey, again advocating for her husband's release. She later receives a letter from Vice President Pence, in which he assures her he's taken a
"deep, personal" interest in Pastor Andrew's freedom because of our public outcry.



Both the President and Vice President raised Pastor Brunson's case three times with Turkey's President.

The Secretary of State later declared that the "U.S. continues to advocate for the pastor's release."

October 2017 marked one year of false imprisonment for American Pastor Andrew Brunson. Dangerously, he has become a hostage at the hands of the Turkish government, with Turkey's President demanding a political enemy's extradition in exchange for the pastor's release.

On March 19th, the prosecutor falsely charged Pastor Brunson with trumped up charges including membership in an armed terrorist organization and political and military espionage in a 62-page indictment wholly lacking any merit.

He has now been moved from his prison cell to his house in Turkey as his trial continues, but he must be allowed to come home to America. We're representing Pastor Andrew's family, aggressively working globally for his ultimate freedom.


 people have signed our petition for pastor andrew.

There are tens of thousands of signatures from 194 nations and territories across the globe for his freedom. We must stand with one voice and demand this innocent American citizen - a Christian pastor - be immediately released and returned home to America.

You can help save pastor brunson.

Sign his petition


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American Center for Law and Justice | Washington D.C. | Copyright © 2025, ACLJ | Privacy & Security Policy | Annual Report

Be Heard Project is a project of the American Center for Law and Justice. American Center for Law and Justice is a d/b/a for Christian Advocates Serving Evangelism, Inc., a tax-exempt, not-for-profit, religious corporation as defined under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, specifically dedicated to the ideal that religious freedom and freedom of speech are inalienable, God-given rights. The Center's purpose is to engage legal, legislative and cultural issues by implementing an effective strategy of advocacy, education and litigation to ensure that those rights are protected under the law. The organization has participated in numerous cases before the Supreme Court, Federal Court of Appeals, Federal District Courts, and various state courts regarding freedom of religion and freedom of speech. Your gift is very much appreciated and fully deductible as a charitable contribution. A copy of our latest financial report may be obtained by writing to us at P.O. Box 90555, Washington, DC 20090-0555.