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The Be Heard Project is a voice for the persecuted Church. Through law, public policy, and grassroots action, we amplify your voice to demand that world governments respect the most basic human rights and human dignity of persecuted believers. Join with us today and Be Heard.

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Demanding Accountability for the Massacre of 70 Christians in the DRC

Feb. 28Demanding Accountability for the...

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has once again become the site of unspeakable violence , with Christian communities being targeted by terrorists and militant forces. On February 15, over 70 Christians – primarily women, children, and the elderly – were added to the list of victims when they were abducted from their homes, taken to a...More

Seeking Justice for Young Christian in Pakistan Murdered by Muslim...

Feb. 11Seeking Justice for a Young...

Muslim Man Who Raped Young Christian Girl Sentenced to Life in Prison...

Jan. 30Justice Upheld: Muslim Man Who...

US Family Supports the Family of Our Christian Death Row Client

Jan. 21US Family Steps Up To Support the...



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Jewish Iranian Sentenced to Death

Jewish Iranian Sentenced to Death

Iran is preparing to execute an innocent young man because he’s Jewish, and he’s running out of time. The ACLJ is advocating for his life at the United Nations, having just filed an urgent complaint with the U.N.’s Special Procedures seeking swift international intervention to stop the execution and overturn this...More

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Save Christian Pastor Raymond Koh

Save Christian Pastor Raymond Koh

Free the Israeli Hostages from Hamas

Free the Israeli Hostages from...

Save Christian Ayub Brothers

Save Christian Ayub Brothers

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Youcef Nadarkhani

Iran Sentences Pastor Youcef to 10 Years in Horrific Prison, 2 Years of "Internal Exile" for “Promoting Christianity”

ACLJ Staff Writers

August 9th, 2018

The situation for Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani has taken a dire turn.

After a brutal home raid where he was attacked and arrested, Pastor Youcef has been imprisoned again, far away from his family.

We recently told you how Iranian authorities in plain clothes violently beat Pastor Youcef in his home while his horrified family watched. It was reported the agents even tasered his teenage son with an electric baton.

Now sources are reporting Pastor Youcef has been sentenced to ten years in Iran’s remote Evin prison – often referred to as a “torture factory” – where Christians and opponents of the current corrupt Iranian regime are kept.

However, Pastor Youcef was also sentenced to two years of so-called "internal exile." All for the supposed crime of “promoting Zionist Christianity.”

The innocent pastor is now incarcerated in the prison’s windowless quarantine ward – notorious for overcrowding, unhygienic conditions, oppressive heat, and even insect infestations.

The inhospitable ward is normally reserved as an additional punishment. This forbidding modern-day dungeon will be Pastor Youcef’s home because he dared to live his Christian faith – unless we once again take action for him.

Six years ago the Iranian-born Pastor Youcef was sentenced to death for converting to Christianity.

The ACLJ took up his case, working tirelessly to bring international attention to Pastor Youcef’s unjust conviction. Ultimately through our diligent legal advocacy efforts and the prayers and support of ACLJ members, we were able to help secure Pastor Youcef’s freedom from death row, saving him from execution.

Two years ago, sources reported Iran’s Intelligence Ministry’s forces raided 10 house churches, including one where Pastor Youcef and others were attending a Christian church service. They were all later freed on bail.

The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom recently released an official statement echoing that this latest violent arrest and imprisonment is a heinous violation of Pastor Youcef’s religious liberty and demanded his freedom. Per their statement:

“We at USCIRF express our strong concern about the reports of Pastor Nadarkhani and his congregants’ arrest,” stated USCIRF chair Tenzin Dorjee. 

“Pastor Nadarkhani and his fellow church members should be immediately and unconditionally released and be permitted by the Iranian government to peacefully exercise their right to freedom of religion or belief. We condemn both their lengthy prison sentences and this new miscarriage of justice.”

Iran’s actions violate multiple international human rights treaties they have agreed to in the past, as well as demonstrate a direct violation of its own constitution which claims to guarantee religious liberty for its citizens.

Pastor Youcef is an innocent man suffering in an abhorrent prison facility for preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This atrocious religious persecution cannot be ignored.

Iran has demonstrated time and time again that it is a threat not only to Israel and to the United States, but to its own people. It is time for the rest of the world to step up and take action.

Iran will only listen when it feels the maximum pressure of the international community. This is a blatant miscarriage of justice. Pastor Youcef must be allowed to return to his family, and Iran’s violent persecution of Christians has to end.

We have fought for Pastor Youcef’s freedom before, and we are prepared to do so again on the international stage. He needs you too. Sign our petition demanding his freedom.

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ACLJ Files Urgent UPR at U.N. Human Rights Council Urging...

Article  //

Aug 27, 2024

Iran is the number one state sponsor of terrorism around the world. It sponsors deadly terrorist attacks around the world, including the horrific October 7, 2023, attack on Israel. But Iran is not just...

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ACLJ Files Emergency Complaint to the U.N. on Behalf of Jewish Man in...

Jordan Sekulow  //

May 20, 2024

As Iran prepares to execute a Jewish man, the ACLJ filed an urgent complaint this weekend with the U.N.’s Special Procedures seeking international intervention to stop the execution. In November 2022,

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Christian Pastor and Wife Flee Iran After Being Sentenced to 15 Years...

Jordan Sekulow  //

Sep 14, 2020

A Christian pastor and his wife are running for their lives after being arrested and SENTENCED TO PRISON FOR CELEBRATING CHRISTMAS , among other Christian traditions. Iranian-Assyrian Christian Pastor Victor...

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Be Heard Project is a project of the American Center for Law and Justice. American Center for Law and Justice is a d/b/a for Christian Advocates Serving Evangelism, Inc., a tax-exempt, not-for-profit, religious corporation as defined under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, specifically dedicated to the ideal that religious freedom and freedom of speech are inalienable, God-given rights. The Center's purpose is to engage legal, legislative and cultural issues by implementing an effective strategy of advocacy, education and litigation to ensure that those rights are protected under the law. The organization has participated in numerous cases before the Supreme Court, Federal Court of Appeals, Federal District Courts, and various state courts regarding freedom of religion and freedom of speech. Your gift is very much appreciated and fully deductible as a charitable contribution. A copy of our latest financial report may be obtained by writing to us at P.O. Box 90555, Washington, DC 20090-0555.