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The Be Heard Project is a voice for the persecuted Church. Through law, public policy, and grassroots action, we amplify your voice to demand that world governments respect the most basic human rights and human dignity of persecuted believers. Join with us today and Be Heard.

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Pakistan High Court To Hear a Major Blasphemy Case

Sep. 27Pakistan High Court To Hear a...

Many of you know about Shahzad Masih, a young Christian man who was only 16 years old when he was arrested in July 2017 over a false accusation of blasphemy. He was sentenced to death by hanging in November 2022 by a trial court in Pakistan. Shahzad’s only “crime” was that he told his Muslim co-worker that his father’s Muslim friend, Ali, uses...More

ACLJ Taking Action To Save Another Young Christian Sentenced to Death...

Sep. 19ACLJ Taking Urgent Legal Action To...

ACLJ Files UPR at U.N. HRC Urging Intervention for Christian Pastor

Aug. 27ACLJ Files Urgent UPR at U.N.

Azerbaijan Is Violently Erasing Armenian Christian Heritage

Aug. 16Cultural Genocide: Azerbaijan Is...



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Jewish Iranian Sentenced to Death

Jewish Iranian Sentenced to Death

Iran is preparing to execute an innocent young man because he’s Jewish, and he’s running out of time. The ACLJ is advocating for his life at the United Nations, having just filed an urgent complaint with the U.N.’s Special Procedures seeking swift international intervention to stop the execution and overturn this...More

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Save Christian Pastor Raymond Koh

Save Christian Pastor Raymond Koh

Free the Israeli Hostages from Hamas

Free the Israeli Hostages from...

Save Christian Ayub Brothers

Save Christian Ayub Brothers

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Freed from an Iranian Prison

American Pastor Saeed Abedini is now free after having been convicted and sentenced to 8 years in one of Iran's...



Saeed Abedini









Have Taken Action

Freed from an Iranian Prison

American Pastor Saeed Abedini is now free after having been convicted and sentenced to 8 years in one of Iran's...



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JUN // 2015

Free American Pastor Saeed Abedini Now


Signatures //

American Pastor Saeed Abedini is imprisoned in Iran for being a Christian.

He has been beaten. He has been tormented.

He has suffered nearly three years in some of the world’s worst prisons – simply because he is a Christian.

The Iranian regime demands he recant his Christian faith and become Muslim.

Iran’s actions violate its own constitution and multiple international human rights treaties that Iran has voluntarily signed.

At the ACLJ, we have launched an international public advocacy campaign for his freedom – bringing his case before Congress, the White House, the United Nations, and other world leaders.

Pastor Saeed – a U.S. citizen – must be immediately released. He must be allowed to return home to his wife and two young children in America.

Time is of the essence for Pastor Saeed. We must not be silent. Join the growing call:

Petition to Free American Pastor Saeed

In the News

OCT // 2024

American Pastor Saeed Abedini’s Message in Phone Call to Supporters:

Jay Sekulow  //

Jan 18, 2016

I just got off the phone with American Pastor Saeed Abedini – a U.S. citizen – who was just released this weekend from an Iranian prison after more than three years of harsh imprisonment for his Christian...

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BREAKING: [UPDATED] American Pastor Saeed Abedini and Other Americans...

Jay Sekulow  //

Jan 16, 2016

American Pastor Saeed Abedini has just been released from imprisonment in Iran. [ 1.17.2015 UPDATE : We can now confirm that Pastor Saeed is safely out of Iran and being medically evaluated at a U.S. military...

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Pastor Saeed’s Latest Heartbreaking Visit with His Parents in Prison

Tiffany Barrans  //

Sep 30, 2015

As Pastor Saeed begins serving his fourth year in chains for Christ, Iran’s leaders continued to discuss him as a hostage when visiting the U.S. for U.N. meetings . Earlier today, American Pastor Saeed...

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American Pastor Saeed Abedini is now free. Here is the story of his imprisonment and release:

Saeed Abedini, a 35-year-old Pastor, father, and husband from Idaho, is currently imprisoned in Rajaei Shahr prison (formerly imprisoned in Evin prison in Tehran, Iran). On 28 July 2012, during a visit to Tehran to visit family and to finalize the board members for an orphanage he was building in Iran, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard detained Saeed, asserting that he must face criminal charges for his Christian faith. After intense interrogations, Saeed was placed under house arrest and told to wait for a court summons. On 26 September 2012, instead of receiving a summons telling him where to appear, five members of the Revolutionary Guard raided Saeed’s parents’ home in Tehran, confiscated many of Saeed’s belongings, and took him to an unknown location. After four days the Revolutionary Guard informed the family that Saeed was in solitary confinement in the notorious Evin Prison.

Throughout Saeed’s imprisonment, he has spent several weeks in solitary confinement. During solitary confinement, Saeed was only brought out of his small cell to be subjected to abusive interrogations. Saeed has been allowed visitation by his family in Tehran, but he has been cut off from his wife and two young children in the U.S.

Saeed had been denied medical treatment for infections that resulted from beatings. While in Evin, the ward doctor and nurse refused to treat him because, as a Christian, he was considered “unclean” and an infidel.

In early 2013, it became known that Saeed was suffering from internal injuries and doctors determined that his injuries warranted immediate attention, and, in their medical opinion, he needed to be treated in a non-prison hospital. For almost a year, the Iranian regime ignored this advice. In March 2014, Saeed was permitted to enter a private hospital for treatment, but after spending almost two months in the hospital, he was returned to prison without having been given surgeries deemed necessary by hospital doctors.

A petition has been started in Saeed’s name, and it quickly received overwhelming media attention. Secretary of State John Kerry has called for his release, the White House has called for his release, and the House of Representatives held two emotional hearings that highlighted Pastor Saeed’s plight. Multiple nations have called for Saeed’s release, and ACLJ attorneys have argued his case before the United Nations. Saeed’s petition has over 610,000 signatures and a letter writing campaign to encourage Saeed has garnered over 50,000 letters. Artists such as Toby Mac, Michael W Smith, Steven Curtis Chapman, Mercy Me, Skillet, Relient K, and Audio Adrenaline have been involved, and lent their voices to raise awareness.

Now Pastor Saeed has been freed. Share this powerful story on Facebook and Twitter using the hashtag #BeHeard.

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American Center for Law and Justice | Washington D.C. | Copyright © 2024, ACLJ | Privacy & Security Policy | Annual Report

Be Heard Project is a project of the American Center for Law and Justice. American Center for Law and Justice is a d/b/a for Christian Advocates Serving Evangelism, Inc., a tax-exempt, not-for-profit, religious corporation as defined under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, specifically dedicated to the ideal that religious freedom and freedom of speech are inalienable, God-given rights. The Center's purpose is to engage legal, legislative and cultural issues by implementing an effective strategy of advocacy, education and litigation to ensure that those rights are protected under the law. The organization has participated in numerous cases before the Supreme Court, Federal Court of Appeals, Federal District Courts, and various state courts regarding freedom of religion and freedom of speech. Your gift is very much appreciated and fully deductible as a charitable contribution. A copy of our latest financial report may be obtained by writing to us at P.O. Box 90555, Washington, DC 20090-0555.